
- 2025年2月7日更新広まちづくりセンター広報紙 “広報ひろ” "The Hiro Community News Letter"
- 2025年2月6日更新現在受付中の短期講座と今後受付予定の短期講座 Short-Term Courses Accepting Information
- 2025年1月10日更新空調工事と駐車場規制のお知らせ / Notice Regarding Air Conditioning Work & Parking Restrictions
- 2025年1月7日更新令和6年度 広まちづくりセンター利用状況アンケート調査結果 Results of the 2024 survey on the use of the Hiro Community Development Center
- 2024年11月30日更新広市民センター附属駐車場(有料)のご案内 Information Regarding the Attached Paid Parking Lot
広地区は,呉市内中央部に位置し,西に黒瀬川(広大川),東に白岳山・吉松山,北に市名勝 「白糸の滝」,県名勝天然記念物 「二級峡」 などを有し,令和6年12月末で42,714人が暮らしています。都市化の一方で田園も残る広々とした町です。
Hiro Town is located in the central part of Kure City, with the Kurose-Gawa River (Hiro-O-Kawa River) to the west, Mt. Shiratake-Yama and Mt. Yoshimatsu-Yama to the east. The city's famous Fall, "Shiraito-no-Taki Falls" to the north, and the prefectural natural monument "Nikyu-kyo Gorge," etc. As of the end of December 2024, 42,714 people live here. It's a spacious town with both urbanization and remaining countryside. Hiro Town has 5 elementary schools (Hiro-Minami, Shiratake, Hiro, Misakaji, Yokoro), 4 middle schools (Hiro-Minami, Shiratake, Hiro-Chuo, Yokoro), 3 high schools (Hiro, Kure-Sho, Goko), and 1 university (Hiroshima International University) . Historically, this district has been a vibrant region for educational activities emphasizing "Education First," with events like the "Hiro District Education Festival," "Culture Festival," and "Sports Events" being actively held.
【電車利用】最寄駅/JR呉線[新広駅]からすぐ,【バス利用】おりば"広市民センター"・"新広駅"からすぐ, 路線バス会社:広電バス,中国ジェイアールバス,【東広島・呉自動車道】阿賀ICから185号線を東へ1.0km(車でおよそ4分)呉市東消防署となり
[By Train] Nearest Station: JR Kure Line [Shin-Hiro Station], just a short distance away. [By Bus] Bus Stop: [Hiro Civic Center], [Shin-Hiro Station], both just a short distance away. Bus Companies: Hiroden Bus, Chugoku JR Bus. [East Hiroshima Kure Expressway] From Aga IC, head east on Route 185 for 1.0km (approximately 4 min. by car), and you'll reach Hiro City East Fire Department, right next to it.
- 2025年2月1日更新広まちづくりセンター/3階ホール行事予定表 3rd Floor Hall Event Schedule
- 2025年1月10日更新空調工事と駐車場規制のお知らせ / Notice Regarding Air Conditioning Work & Parking Restrictions
- 2025年1月7日更新令和6年度 広まちづくりセンター利用状況アンケート調査結果 Results of the 2024 survey on the use of the Hiro Community Development Center
- 2024年4月2日更新「気象警報」による講座の休講について Regarding Cancellations of Classes due to "Weather Warnings"
- 2024年4月1日更新広まちづくり推進協議会HP